At St. Clair Shores Handyman, we know that keeping your gutters clean is essential for protecting your home, so we specialize in thorough gutter cleaning services in the spring and fall. Let us handle the dirty work, so you can enjoy a worry-free home all year round!
We breathe new life into your driveways, patios, and decks with our professional pressure washing services, effortlessly removing dirt and grime to reveal their true beauty. Let us enhance your outdoor spaces, making them inviting and visually appealing for you and your guests!
We proudly install and repair siding using high-quality materials to enhance your home's curb appeal and protect it from the elements. Our friendly team is here to tackle any siding project, ensuring a perfect fit and finish that meets your unique needs.
We expertly patch and repair roof leaks by first identifying the source of the problem, then applying durable materials to ensure a long-lasting fix. Whether it's a small leak or a more extensive repair, we've got your roof covered!
We specialize in expertly installing and repairing outdoor fixtures, ensuring they’re both functional and stylish for your home. Whether it’s a new porch light or a garden feature, we take care of every detail so you can enjoy your outdoor space worry-free!
We love bringing your outdoor vision to life with our expert landscaping and maintenance services. Whether it’s a simple garden refresh or a complete overhaul, we’re here to help make your home's exterior as inviting as the inside!
At St. Clair Shores Handyman, we specialize in the installation and repair of wooden overhangs and a variety of awnings, ensuring both functionality and style for your outdoor spaces. Whether you need a custom look or reliable repairs, we’ve got you covered for all your household needs!
Yes! We provide expert gutter cleaning services to prevent water damage, foundation issues, and roof leaks. Our team safely removes leaves, debris, and buildup to keep your gutters flowing properly. Schedule a gutter cleaning today to protect your home from costly repairs!
Absolutely! Our professional pressure washing services remove dirt, mold, mildew, and grime from siding, driveways, patios, decks, and fences. Boost your home’s curb appeal and maintain your property with our affordable pressure washing services in Metro Detroit.
Yes! We install and repair vinyl, wood, and fiber cement siding to enhance your home’s durability and appearance. Whether you need a small siding repair or a full installation, our handyman team ensures a secure and weather-resistant finish. Contact us for a siding estimate today!
Yes! We offer roof patching services to fix minor leaks and prevent further damage. We also install and repair overhangs and awnings to provide shade, weather protection, and improved curb appeal. Get in touch for a quick and affordable roofing solution!
Yes! We professionally install and repair outdoor light fixtures, mailboxes, address signs, garden borders, and other landscaping features to enhance your home’s exterior. Whether you need security lighting, decorative elements, or functional outdoor upgrades, we’ve got you covered!
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